WHAT? Heartworms are mosquito borne parasites that live in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels of affected pets.
HOW? Mosquitoes transmit heartworms by biting a dog with heartworms and then biting another pet. This is very common in Florida due to the warm climate, a continuous mosquito population, and a lack of education. 
WHY? If untreated, heartworms cause lung disease, heart failure, and damage to other organs in the body, leading to death. 

The good news is that heartworm disease is treatable, and JHS treats about 240 dogs a year at an average cost of $250 per dog.

Our goal is $50,000 to cover those costs - will you be a part of our heartworm lifesaving team?

Lifesaving Heartworm Treatment for Dogs at JHS

Item #47




Donated By:

Jacksonville Humane Society